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What is SVSU-NCDL?

We are fast passing through the digitization era and entering into a transformation driven knowledge society. Digital Transformation (DT) is revolutionizing the processes through which organizations and institutions are embracing new trends and technologies to change their internal operations and activities. DT primarily facilitates achieving stakeholder’s need in an efficient manner through various key products and services.

Being part of overall organizational change, libraries also take part in digital transformation process for a smart future. Following the DT processes, modern libraries adopt various digital technology driven tools and techniques and offer accurate, speedy and timely access to knowledge to their users.

There are many libraries in greater Meerut region, who have already initiated a process of changing their services, however, a platform of Professional gathering would facilitate knowledge sharing and open up life-long learning process. The SUNCDL 2016 conference on the theme, Digital Transformation: Emerging Trends in Libraries, will not only create a collaborative platform of knowledge sharing to prepare ourselves for new challenges and opportunities.

Why to Attend SVSU-NCDL 2023?

  • Be part of a professional knowledge sharing process
  • Witness renowned national speakers share their experiences
  • Opportunity to present your paper in the conference and learn more
  •  Opportunity to publish your quality papers in the SIRs journal
  • Distribution of conference proceedings to participants